
Then Steps

Autokin Web Steps

Then('I clear the value of {string} selector', async (selector) => { await WebBuilder.clearValue(selector); });

Then('I take a screenshot as {string}', async path => { await WebBuilder.screenshot(path); });

Then('I expect that selector {string} has the text of {string}', async (selector, expectedValue) => { const value = await WebBuilder.text(selector); expect(expectedValue).to.eql(value); });

Then('I expect that selector {string} has the value of {string}', async (selector, expectedValue) => { const value = await WebBuilder.value(selector); expect(expectedValue).to.eql(value); });

Then('I wait until network is idle', async () => { await WebBuilder.waitUntil(); });

Then('I wait for {int} seconds', async (ms) => { await WebBuilder.waitFor(ms * 1000); });